This short series of blog posts sees us sharing some information about how we bring local home. In this second of three posts, we draw connections between the businesses you help support when you buy from us. This post shows how we keep dollars local to our community and province by describing several businesses we support right in town or close by. It is, after all, a small world.
For a quick recap, our first blog post in this series was about our suppliers. As such, they are not covered (again) here.
Local can be measured in different scales. For this post, we’ve used local to town, and local to the West Kootenays/Province (regional/provincial).
Local to Town
Supporting local is a big part of our business. Being located in a rural area of B.C., we often look to local service providers to make our business a success.
Over the years, the Kaslo Building Supply has made many of our projects come together with two-by-fours, nails, plywood, tools, and other building supplies. We also sometimes use the waste management services from award-winning Kaslo local company Kootenay Waste Services. And when our company vehicles need servicing, we take them to Kaslo Automotive for their tune-ups.
For special occasions like Christmas and birthdays, we purchase from local companies like Nelson Chocofeller.  Kaslo also has specialty and grocery stores like Sunnyside Naturals and Cornucopia that are great for small edible gifts.
As a small family business, we try to do many of our projects in-house, but when we need special project support, Kaslo Electric has been an important service provider for electrical.  CGW Plumbing and Heating in Nelson has also been helpful when it comes to sorting out where water flows! These two companies have skillsets that go beyond ours.
The West Kootenays/Province
We have partnerships with several brand ambassadors who undertake social media and recipe development for our company. One is based in Delta and two are in Kelowna, B.C. You’ll be familiar with Jeanette as one of our friendly social media posters, as well as Renee and Jamie who develop our delicious and tasty recipes.
We benefit from the distribution services of Snow Cap Interior Food Services Ltd. for getting us our ingredients.
Our web development support and website hosting company is Diguno Media in Kelowna, B.C. We’ve also worked with Collabo Consulting in the Slocan Valley to support our advertising initiatives.
Pinnacle Professional Accounting has helped us ensure all our business accounts are in order. Cowan’s Office Supplies in Nelson, B.C. has provided us with many of the paper, pen, and business materials we’ve needed over the years.
We hope this post helps you better understand how we keep dollars circulating in the local economy. Many of the businesses listed above and family owned and operated. And how you support a whole bunch of other businesses local to the B.C. when you support us. Local means being part of a network, and in business that network is hugely important. We are grateful for all the businesses and services we work with!
Join us for the third and final post in July about transportation and the shipping companies we use to get our products to you.
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