No Food Fraud with Kaslo Sourdough - Part 2

We first posted on food fraud in April 2024, where we talked about what food fraud is, and what to do if you come across it. In this post, we address the role that Kaslo Sourdough has as a food manufactur . . . Click to read more!

No Food Fraud with Kaslo Sourdough - Part 1

We've had the Canadian Grocer's 2023 blog post "Food Fraud on the rise in Canada" by Dalhousie food distribution policy professor Sylvain Charlebois in mind for some time.  And more recently, we saw yet another headline about the seizu . . . Click to read more!

Reusing your Kaslo Sourdough Pasta Bag!

New year, new start! And sustainability is on our minds! We made it through the Christmas season, tucked away the wrapping paper we can use again, and recycled what we could. We also folded our cloth wrapping paper away . . . Click to read more!

Kaslo Sourdough's Perfect Pot of Pasta

How do you cook the perfect pot of pasta? How long should the pasta boil? Do you need to set a timer? Or can you free wheel it with a glance at the wall clock? Do you fork out a noodle for the texture check? As part of our joy for the pasta season, with this post, we share our definitive guide fo . . . Click to read more!

Small joys: Life can be as nice as a bowl of (sourdough) pasta

"My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump
We've been thinking and talking about small joys this month. And that quote from the 1994 movie Forrest Gump . . . Click to read more!

Meal Planning Ideas With Our Sourdough Pasta

If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious addition to your own or your family’s weekly meal plan, look no further than Kaslo Sourdough Pasta . . . Click to read more!

Sourdough and Slow Food

In February, we talked about how great homemade sourdough starters are (and any homemade ferments generally). Now we're headed in a slightly different direction with this month's short blog post looking at slow food. Slow food, fast food? What exactly are we talking about here? The Slow Food M . . . Click to read more!

Kaslo Sourdough: April Soup Cuts for You!

As a food production company, we think we have to be leaders and show how to reduce food waste even before our products leave our production facility. And we have an example that became real for us quite recently. But first, let's talk some basics about food waste first. What is it? What does it mea . . . Click to read more!

Our Sourdough Songs - November, 2021

We're bringing you our three sourdough songs this November! When we co-developed these Indie-pop songs with Sean Rodman a few years ago, we only did a soft launch. There was a lot going on at the time. But it's a great time to bring these songs back to you now, as the weather gets colder, and we're . . . Click to read more!

5 Tips for Re-using our Packaging

In the 3R’s of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, “reuse” comes second. If you’ve already bought one of our bags of delicious pastas, then in addition to several tasty meals, you are in possession of an item that you can easily re-use! Of course, you can recycle our high quality bags as well, but w . . . Click to read more!